Cast love spell with picture

      And now it’s time for spellcaster Maxim to answer some of our readers’ questions.

Practice magic


“I can draw really well. I can draw very realistic portraits. Will my skills come in handy if I practice magic?”


“With your drawing skills, you can cast love spell with picture that is stronger than other spells. It’s a proven fact that when a talented artist draws a realistic portrait adding some features the person doesn’t have, this person may eventually develop these features. It applies to power, courage, intelligence, beauty and even wealth. But it also applies to love. You can draw two people who are madly in love and eventually they will start dating and be crazy about each other. So your drawing skills can definitely come in handy if you ever decide to practice magic.”

Effective binding love spells with pictures


“Rumor has it that drawings can be used to do not only good, but also evil to people. For example, you can use a drawing to put a curse on someone. Is it true?”


“It depends on the artist. If you wish ill on the person you draw, something bad will happen to this person. Portraits are like photographs in magic. Enchanters usually have good knowledge of photograph binding spells. So, this knowledge can be applied to portraits. However, portraits are even more sensitive than photographs. For example, an energy vampire can hang your portrait in his room and suck energy out of you through it, while black sorcerers can use portraits to steal people’s luck, wealth or vital power (leading to premature death).”


“I tried to find information about binding love spells using pictures because I don’t have a photo of the girl that I love. I only have her pencil portrait. I bought it from an artist who drew her at a restaurant we had lunch at when we studied together. Can you put a spell on her using this pencil portrait?”


“I, spellcaster Maxim, can work not only with photographs. Pencil portraits are a great alternative to photographs. If you don’t have a portrait, I can put a spell through an object that belonged to the target. Just make sure the target bought it personally rather than found it or received it as a gift. In some cases (you will learn more about it after you place your order) I can cast spells using cigarette butts or food leftovers. So the fact that you don’t have a photograph shouldn’t stop you. If your love is strong, I can make the girl fall in love with you without using any objects and only knowing her full name and date of birth.”


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