How to cast a powerful spell correctly

  Put three white candles on the right side of the table. Put the other three candles on the left side of the table. Put two candles in front of yourself – the candle representing the man should be on your right side and the one representing the woman should be on your left side. Light them. Put the first sheet of paper in front of yourself. Open the inkpot and put the pen on it.

Take the reel of packthread. Measure about 60 cm of thread and burn through it with the candle representing you. Put the thread next to the blue and red candles. Dip the pen into the ink, draw two vertical lines to divide the sheet into three columns, and sign each column:

- Our past;

- Our present;

- Our future.

Start with describing how you met the one you’re in love with. Use the first column for it. Describe how you fell in love with this person and how he never seemed to have any feelings for you. Describe your present life in the second column. Be honest and tell about your dreams, your unrequited feelings, and your fears that you will never be together. Describe your desired future in the third column: how he falls in love with you, how you get close, how he feels attracted to you and wants to be with you.

If needed, turn the sheet over, divide it into three columns and continue your description. You don’t need to specify if it’s your past, present or future. Write down everything you want. When you finish describing your past, put a dot to cut off its influence on your present. Put a question mark at the end of the description of your present. That way you’ll question the events of your present allowing for some variability. When you finish describing your future, put three dots at the end. That way you’ll give your future an open ending.


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