Marriage spells work

 If your beloved is vegetarian or doesn’t like fish, use a ripe orange instead of the fish. However, you should remember that marriage proposal spells cast on fruit by inexperienced spell casters are usually not very effective and help only if the spell caster and the target are karmic- and soul-mates. For more information about karmic-mates, visit my website dubbed Spellcaster Maxim.

If possible, the orange should be picked from the tree personally by you. If you can’t do it, buy one and keep it in the sun for three days. Then, on the seventh day of the lunar cycle, light a candle and put the orange next to it. Keep looking at the candle for one hour without saying anything. Then tilt the candle and drip some wax on your fingers. While the wax is warm, rub it into the orange. The orange skin should look glossy, as if polished. As soon as it starts reflecting the candle light, consider the preparation completed.

Take the orange, the candle that has been put out, and your photo, and go to a river. On your way there look around for a piece of bark or a plank and a twig. When you see one, pick it up. When you get to the river, sit down with your legs bent and folded under you. Use the bark or the plank to make a ship. Use the twig as a pillar and your photo as the sail (the one the orange was on a few hours earlier). Put the ship on the water. Put the orange in the back and the candle in the front of the ship. Let the ship sail, saying:

“Sail away me (name) to the one I love (name). Find him and lead him to the road, with the wedding bells ringing at its end.”

If you can’t build a proper ship or your ship flips over and sinks, you’re not meant for marriage spells work. Luckily, there are enough people out there who are, so don’t worry. I, spellcaster Maxim, will cast this spell for you shortly after you place your order for you to receive congratulations on your wedding within a couple of months. Don’t forget that I help everyone, without exception.


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